Blue Streak Six

About this site

I started this site in 2006 as a result of being an owner of one of these cars, searching for information and finding that there wasn't much available. This is in contrast to many of the other cars that were produced by the British Motor Corporation which are catered for very well on both the web and in print.

This site is run and maintained privately in my spare time, with limited resources. It is not a business or a car club, and does not make a profit.

My intent has always been to build up this site as a unique information resource for owners of the Austin Freeway, Morris Freeway and Wolseley 24/80. However I do need your help. If you have any information, brochures, or old documentation that you think would make a great addition to this site then please don't hesitate to get in contact with me. In most instances all I will need is just a scanned copy emailed to me so I can simply add it to this website.

Special thanks must go to members of the BMC Leyland Australia Heritage Group without who we would not have some of the wonderful historical information that you'll find on this site. Thanks must also go to the enthusiasts around Australia who have already contributed to this site.

Hopefully this web site as well as the Wolseley discussion forum will provide a means to form new contacts and friendships amongst owners.

As a visitor to this site your input and comments are always welcome.

Eriks Skinkis
Webmaster - Blue Streak Six

Contact the Webmaster

Note: Please don't use this email address to ask technical or repair questions as I'm unable to provide this type of assistance.

For technical or repair assistance follow the link to the Discussion Forum where you can post your query to receive help from other owners & enthusiasts.

By Post

Blue Streak Six
PO Box 256
Bundanoon NSW 2578

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